

I keep running and running and running
As I start to be distant from people from the world
As I start to push my love one's away
As it is easier to do that then deal with my problems that goes on in my head
From the passing of my friend that I consider as family and my brother
As I start to question was there a way I could of prevent him from to do the thing he did to himself
Could I have been that one person to try to talk him out of the thing he did to his self
As he was fighting depression
All I could think is I could of been that one voice, that one voice that could of talk him out of the thing he did
To my wife past on how she was abused mentally and physically by her parents
To things that was said to me that was suppose to not be bought up in any kind of conversion but here we are
As I keep on running and running and running
As now it's me that's battling depression