

Midst of doubts
In the midst of doubts and fears,
A heart torn and filled with tears,
Wondering if this love will last,
Or if it will fade into the past.

But then a voice so calm and sure,
Says love will always endure,
That we'll stay strong through every test,
And our bond will outlast the rest.

Though the winds of fate may blow,
And our paths may part and go,
Our love will never fade away,
In our hearts it's here to stay.

For every moment spent together,
Is a treasure we will always treasure,
And as long as we believe and love,
Our bond will soar high above.

So let us not fear the unknown,
For our love will always be our own,
And if our paths must go apart,
Our love will still beat in our hearts.

For it's our strength and guiding light,
That keeps us shining bright,
And as long as we hold on tight,
Our love will always be in sight.
© Avinash David