

If this moment were a movie
I'd be out in the pouring rain
On my knees, looking up
Tears mixing with the grain

Someone would tell me that
I can never, ever stop trying
I'd nod and dry my tears,
Say my dreams aren't dying

If this moment were a movie
It would be the desperate act
It would be the moment I learn
A rather life-changing fact

But it's not a cinematic universe
I'm not projected on a screen
I'm not the character there
Every second of every scene

I'm not the character rooted for
I'm the underdog no one can see
I don't have the coach or miracle
Only I know the person I can be

There's no love interest here
Pushing me to be better
There's not a love confession
Or a heartbreaking letter

There's not two big chances
Between which I have to choose
I'm standing solo, the only one
Who knows what I have to lose

Cinema is overrated entertainment
Life just doesn't work that way
You don't just get an easy free pass
Don't get another chance every day

So be the director and producer
Write your story you encrypted
The most incredible stories are
The ones that are Unscripted

© Shelby Pryor