

Bella - A Girl from the portrait
He always scribbled from imagination
an unknown girls face
She seems to be none of them
But one of a familiar race

It felt like she's trying to say
But he failed to hear
He never leaves that portrait
And always stays near

Everyone admired his magical hands
Still wondering how he did that
A lot of people asked about the girl in it
He said 'imagination turned into a piece'

People called her from various names
But he named her 'Bella'
An unexpected scream from the corner
Stuck his thoughts at once

A familiar face but couldn't recognize
Faces around turned pale
His heart beating up with some name
He felt it difficult to inhale

Yes, he recognised the face in the dark
It's none but his Bella
And she comes forward confessing
'Yes, it's me, Bella'

So many questions on the faces
Still, no one dares to implore
She holds his hands and takes him out
As there are many things to explore

She talks like as if it's not the first time
He just stares at her confused
Not knowing what's going on with him
He thought of remaining followed

Everything was new to him and her
They chose to enjoy the instant
All they could feel now exists to be
A bright colourful moment

At once he felt the sharpness of light
Falling straight at his face
He tried to move slowly opening his eyes
He chuckled at his own nightmare
© Eve_writes_