

The Name Of The Clouds - An Original Poem

He once set sail the sky, with his toned eyes,

He sighs, wandering the clouds, blinded, he is surprised

He sees the nature, of this, he named it a paradise

Little did he know, it is an illusion, a nightmare in disguise

Designed to trick the good hearted people, he went further across the line

Searching for answers, why lies is what he sees in his eyes

"Is this the consequences of a person, for being too nice?"

Like they say, actions speaks louder than words

His heart is frozen in place, he cries out of emotions

He let out a blood-curdling scream, before kneeling down as clouds starts to overflow with his stream

Raining down the clouds, he rushed upon to send a shockwave to the world

Letting his presence known, that he is gonna unfold chaos on this world has ever known

For the people for him to mourn

His suffering is too much to handle, he starts to wander

Seeking revenge and make the people fight one another

He left reality to his own beliefs and lies, like the clouds he was once tricked into

He can't accept, the fact all of it is true

His life is color blue, full of sadness

His path led to madness

He had removed the word in his heart, which is kindness

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