

Alpha to Omega
Alpha to omega creator of the grand design. Ploted the grand scheme DNA and dotted line. Many paths pathed, we choose the one that we define. Indefinitely definit, definitive a fine line.
Built from the ground up man made of cast iron. We are all created, from the same fire, mankind, that put red in my blood, and breath the breath of life but my brothers see no evil when they sell they soul to sight.
Love has no face value but you would understand that line if your mind wasnt bined in a material man.
Be imperial like father who put you here to meet your maker why you think so inferior
The oculations in the air give clear instruction spontaneous combustibles between a bon of lovers. Infatuation makes these cases very problematic.
7 deadly sins, under ten commandments.
Art of war between the word and they all miss the message.
A creator won't destroy but he may create destruction.