

Was It Because Of Love
Was it because of love?
Doesn't anyone else ask the eternal question,
'Was it because of love?'
I fell for this foxglove—
Pretty, yet poisonous in her profession.
But I wonder, did love lead me astray,
Or in her beauty, did I lose my way?
Now when I see her, I don't know what to say

Star-Crossed lovers, a bit of Romeo and Juliet
Well I should say, Star-Crossed lover
Because I'm the one placing the bet
I bet on her and she bet another
And I lost, but why do I still love her?
So I ask love, why is she still the prettiest dove

I didn't, and will never get an answer
To this love, incurable like cancer
Anyways, I should probably go clean my mind
Of delusions I once called a sign
To make a move, to which I've already failed twice
And was nearly about to foolishly make it thrice
Third time's the charm? No it's, cause yourself harm

Honestly tho- was it because of love?
Or simply just a teenage crush
It felt real though, I know that much
Well, I hope I wasn't annoying
And my poems aren't too boring
If you ever find them then, what can I do
Goodbye & it's a pity you never loved me too
© Luciano