

Selfish and Selfless
We all talk about understanding, 
Even I talk about understanding. 
But not anymore. 
Sometimes people take your goodwill for something else, 
They will still judge you, 
They won't care whether you're concerned for them or not. 
They will do what they want to. 
Sunlight is very essential for living, and still, many people hate its rays. Then how do you expect them to like you even if you're perfect?

Choose your friends wisely, 
Choose someone who protects your name in your absence, 
Not a coward who agrees with everyone and doesn't know how to take a stand. 
Be selfish... 
Put effort into those who put effort into you, 
Care for those who genuinely care for you. 
Be with those who like you for your simplicity, 
Be with those who protect your name in your absence. 
Yes, be selfish 
And selfless at the same time! 
Be who you are, and if you like yourself, 
Then don't care about them—just keep improving every single day.
© Nainika