

La bela moça
A portrait of a beauty that should not exist
For the Gods did not miss a brush stroke on this canvas
Surpassing beauty, form, adorned with contours that scourn those that yearn to possess such a figure
Mocha skin akin to sheer velvet
Immediately to start melting ones heart who have felt it
Dealt the lips of a rose tis' true beauty to behold if she were to kiss you
Sinews wrapped in such a face as to embrace perfection
No recollection needed once deeded into your mind you could not find better
Let her into your heart and part with your will for no man doth have the ability nor skill to deny her
Men would lie in wait just to take note of what so many dote unable to take possession
Such obsession be warned for our beauty won't warm to invalid intentions
Relent such misguided ways but learn to stay chaste and she just may pay the worth of a thousand gold if you are lucky enough to hold La bela moça
© Peter Gunn