

Echoes of Time
If I could change the hand of time,
I'd turn it back to moments prime,
Where laughter echoed, pure and free,
And dreams were still a mystery.

I'd linger in the soft embrace
Of love's first blush, a sacred space,
Where every word and glance we shared
Held promises, a heart's own prayer.

I'd mend the hurts, erase the tears,
That marked the journey through the years,
In tender silence, heal each scar,
Transform the shadows into stars.

I'd cherish whispers, hold them tight,
In twilight's gentle, fading light,
Rewind the days of joy and peace,
And grant the soul a sweet release.

But time, relentless, marches on,
With lessons learned and moments gone,
Yet in its flow, I find my grace,
Embracing now, this time and place.

© faintest_pen