

To the one I have hurt
The pain I caused you was unneeded
A moment in time where my senses were blinded
I kept on despite your protests
Not knowing our relationship was on a test
Did I fail or did I pass?
The results are speaking for itself
We no longer smile together
Neither eating or talking or sharing our matters
The flame in our relationship is gradually growing dim
How do I hold on when my hands are tied
How do I stop this our fragile relationship from shattering on the jagged edges of the rocks erected by my insecurities
Sorry I wasn't strong enough to ward off all the hurts I sent hurtling your way
When I behold the pain in your eyes
Pains of my own making
It sends a surge  of unending stream of arrows to my heart
Granting me a thousand death
Death to self and all senses and feelings
A short-lived reprieve from this hassle and bassle
A place of quittance which later turns on me
My silent sanctuary which later become the ear splitting, spine tingling, blood curdling screams of the souls of the skeletons that hung in my closet
So when again I do hurt you
Please don't hold it against me
Because man they say are slaves of their own making
And that I take no pleasure in you hurting
© sol