

Is There A God?
Is there a God?

Well yes. In a hundred percenttile manner. The world. The race. iThe thought for and for what is

a confirmed request. Its spoken…

To be alive in here, the Earth, we are to be a continuing body of success. We must look the role,

act the part, and play the drum.

Just as we are to learn we live to seek. Never tho does our mind pause to over recognize our

position of location. Vast and full, from where, not so easy.

Is there a God?


To begin. God is the gas we breath from the lives at which we seek.

To begin further. God is the name for Gods themselves.

Give a little gas, a bit more, and stop. No stop. Never stop.


Stop here.


Once my hand departs you will be on your own again. Be corejule, descreet, and ready to eat.


A meal

Ha a laugh

But Ho a smerk.

Smile all you will at these words I speak for that are my unending wish to recieve as I grant

them to be given. You are my last of this time and I am your first of many times before, begotten

not me to be my own flesh but deliver le from wheryst I feel flesh no more.

I want you to be happy.


Yes Father.

The boy ran his hands through that meal and tasted another bounty of bitter sweet sin as it was

sorrow before the first glass was poured.

I am proud.

You are?


Im a poor soul

Look. They even set a second roast for tomorrow.

Im sold.

Whats on the television?

Bitter shit.

(Your too kind)

Lets go then…

Something like that, Im sure?

No Im afraid not. Im really for certain that through its purpose to inquirer, we shall intrigue our

efforts to nevermore reply…

Does this look infected?

It is, and it's time to check my meal.

~The Bible Impression~

Volume - JAB

June 16th 2020

4:11 AM
