

Just Something
Kissing him on the cheek
Saying you don't love him
Whispering in his ear
Saying you don't love him

Him impressing you till he gets you
You playing him,
Him playing you,
You playing me,
Me playing you
Round and round we go playing this game of old
Again and again

Welcome back to the game of jealousy
The game revenge
The game of games
Glad to be a contestant
Now who's the real liar this time?

Of course you can have him
You've always been important to him anyway
I've always been last
And you've always been the betrayer,
The betrayer of him
The betrayer of me
So since you think he's cute like a little kid
See how he feels about that
See if you can deal with his past
See if he can deal with yours
And all the secrets
I could ruin you both with
But then I'll watch as you
Stab him in the back
As you tell him
You love him
As his heart breaks like mine did
But don't worry
I was always only a little helpless girl to him
Nothing more
Just something to mess with when free time was allowed
Just something to him

© BrokenStillBreaking

3:57 PM 5/2/24