

Conversation change all steps.....
When One little girl sleep on her mother lap
That time mother tell story ....
when that little girl little bit grown up
when she cry and going towards her mother...
mother that time give her little girl child different colours vegetables for counting and separation
when that little girl child little bit more grown up like school going children
that time
when she talking with her mother or family members
Her mother teach to her little girl how to behave to old one
when that little girl child little bit grown up more ....
when she complete her education and come to home.....
At evening time she happily making tea for her mother
when she comes towards her mother with two cups tea and sitting with her mother spend some time ....
That time her mother talk about how to handle a family....
so mother is not first teacher she is also
life guider

" Every steps mother advice or lesson userful for her children's"

© meri kalam -sj🖋️