

When You Need
On days when you can't hold back your tears,
When you feel like the world owes you an explanation,
I may not have answers to the questions you hold
But atleast let me be your handkerchief
Let me wipe away the pain you couldn't keep in

On days when its raining heavy
When the thunder of destruction roars loud
When the skies are coming down and the rains sweep away all that you worked for
Allow me to be your umbrella
I may not be big enough to be a fort but I'll do all I can to keep you standing

On that day when all else is taken from you
When the walls of your being collapse from within
When grasping a straw is no longer an option
And you come tambling down,
I will be falling with you, so when you survive,
You will find me fixing the broken piece by piece until you are whole again

There is no me without you,
Just like there is no tomorrow without today
You be my tomorrow, I will be your today, everyday
Ms. Kuria
© Ms.Kuria..