

wisdom Whispers
#WisdomWhispersWisdom Whispers

In the stillness of the night, when the world is hushed and grey
I hear the whispers of wisdom, guiding me on my way
A gentle breeze that rustles through my soul
Sharing secrets, ancient and old
Of a path that winds and turns, through trials and strife
Leading me to places, where love and truth come to life

The whispers speak of patience, of waiting and of trust
Of letting go, and allowing, the universe to adjust
They speak of courage, of standing tall and strong
Of facing fears, and moving forward, all day long
They speak of kindness, of compassion, and of love
Of treating others, with the same care, sent from above
They speak of forgiveness, of letting go of the past
Of embracing the present, and making it last

In the whispers, I hear the voices of the wise
Those who have walked the path, and reached the other side
Their words are laced with experience, and a deep understanding
A knowing that comes, from a heart that's been expanding
They share their stories, of triumph and of woe
Of lessons learned, and growth that's slow
Their whispers are a gift, a treasure to behold
A reminder that wisdom, is a journey to be told

So I listen closely, to the whispers in my ear
And let the wisdom, of the ages, be my guide and my cheer
For in the whispers, I find solace, and a sense of peace
A knowing that I'm not alone, and that my soul releases
The whispers of wisdom, they guide me on my way
And help me navigate, the ups and downs of each new day
With every step, I feel more confident and bold
And the whispers of wisdom, continue to unfold
Like a river flowing, ever changing and free
Guiding me forward, to a brighter destiny
Where love and joy, are the guiding light
And wisdom's whispers, are my constant sight.
© Here is a revised version of your bio, condensed to 250 words:"Hello! I'm Osuji