

I had a total knee replacement
Talk about fun
well it's the opposite
I screamed like a girl
my best friend was pain
Enough to drive you insane
you see this is my 9th
procedure on this leg
So I have been through this before
Every time it happens
it shakes me to my core
Because you're not sure you will ever be the same
Most likely you will
Because the pain is so bad it feels like you have been shot
however, you will live
but struggle
Your life has changed
But eventually you
live life outside that
you wander out and get back into life
Deal with the normal trouble and strife
Because you have overcome the odds
And that's why most
of us believe in
some kind of gods
Because pain demands to be felt
but it's the way you
persevere and deal with the cards you were dealt
Trust me you will get over how bad you felt
The reason is that life goes on with or without you
So I assume you would rather go with
than not go at all

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