

Hearts Keeping Time
Hearts keeping time, from the nonsensical, a narrative devise

My metered morbid metronome has missed another sunrise

Another perfection slipped by again through inattentive finger

Whether laced, cupped, held lightly or clutched, fails to linger

My love's faltering heart fails to keep unruly time constrained

It seeps messily out and down a terrible drain

Sucked down into a gravity well, it's flight unsustained

Sadness gives weight, decays a filament arc into oblivious rain

Or maybe it's our suffering that's too heavily obtained

A planet of pain warping fabric into wells of wails

Bending space to pull more into orbital fails

To keep it company, in it's cage of bone restrained

A pocked clock of cartalige and sinew

Pitted by meteor memory, with shooting stars of sorrows anew

Gravity's rainbow glittering like feathered tears flew

Raining harrowing hails into our halting momentary view

© inkcloud