

Dear Soul
Dear Soul,

I hope that we are well,

I wondered if you could answer a few of my questions,

Did you choose the challenges and lessons we would endure in this life?
I ponder this daily, for if you have chosen the path I tread, I worry for your sanity when you options were laid upon the table of fate.

I see the paths of other lives and how effortless they glide through their journeys. However, you have gifted me turmoil at every twist and turn!

Was your intention to make us strong in preparation for the next life?
I fear I cannot live through another challenge, for death threatens my existence and yet I am expected to smile through this pain.

If these challenges were not chosen and are dictated by an ineffable plan of the all mighty, then…
What did we do in the last existence to deserve this pain?
I cannot continue to be kind when kindness is not returned!

My dear soul, I am tired
Do you expect me to roll with the punches like a dusty bag, taped together at splitting seams.

If this challenge is a threat of death, I hope it be painless.
For our suffering to be subtle and light.

I am tired,

Yours Faithfully,
The Body you inhabit

(this is a form of venting)

© Danifrayz