

Reflection In Regret
Feeling remorseful about the past mistakes,
Although I witness now where it all takes.
Teaching me very important life lessons,
Telling me to seek the underlying reasons.
Before progressing to the stage of action,
Not to end up feeling a regretful emotion.
Better think carefully about the intention,
Not to result in an embarrassing reaction.
It is totally fine to make a reckless decision,
If you have no clue about a possible solution.
Or simply can’t come to the right conclusion,
In the end, going for the erroneous option.
A sense of guilt that won’t leave me alone,
Constantly sending bad signs to my zone.
Where I keep positive feelings unknown,
How can I beat overthinking on my own?
Is there even a chance for me to move on?
Of these foolish thoughts non-stop drone.
Learn to get over it already, why so slow?
Start building a better life, ready, set, go!

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