

I want to disappear

I want to disappear in my thoughts where no one can enter and there's a silence which communicates like no one else can ever.

I want to find myself in a place
Where no one asks me about how far I got in life or if I am getting married soon or having another child.

I want to spend time with my soul just to know what it really wants which is far from the glitter and glamour that the world wants.

I want to experience the state of being with oneself without craving for someone you loved and thought would stay with you forever..

I want to build my own world where nothing is right and nothing's wrong.

Where no one writes the rules for you to live life the right way as if you are a machine which has to follow the same manual everyday.

I know I will fall apart , just to become a better version of myself than before and to tell everyone that I am not the same scared girl anymore.

© divedeep