

Heal the world.....
Rising oceans,
A warming globe,
Savage storms,
A warning foretold...
A warning from the Universe
To all of Mankind
Reminding us all that
We aren't the only species
The only inhabitants of the world
Earth, our beloved home
Is just one planet
Of our great solar system
Which itself is just a small part
Of the Milky Way Galaxy
Which is just one in a billion
"O tiny speck of my vast Creation..."
The Creator of the Cosmos
Seems to be calling out
"Be a little gentle with Nature
With the people around you
And with yourself too
Be humble, be grateful
And learn not to misuse
All the resources given to you
When the daily battle of good and evil
Takes place in your mind
Be a good moderator
Control your mind
And allow goodness to rule
For it is only then that. you align
With the Universe and flourish
Spreading hatred, along with your planet
Your species and you will all perish
Be loving, be gentle, be kind to all
Be humble and grateful
That's the only thing you can do
To respond favourably
To the many warnings I'm sending you"