

I believed that you were perfect, an angel from above
That nothing of you was flawed, and I was filled with love
You were the one who could ease away all of my pain
But little did I know, I was wrong and all in vain
I thought that you'd remain in my life, to always be near
But I let my illusion blind me to the truth that was so clear
That everything I believed in about you was a lie
That I had been fooled by someone I was sure I could rely
My illusions shattered, my heart so cruelly pierced
The truth that I saw made my soul feel like it had been cursed
What had once seemed so beautiful, so perfect, so pure
Now felt like a cruel joke that I'd been fooled to endure
The truth that I learned, it was hard to accept
But it opened my eyes and made me reflect
And I learned the lesson that illusions of love
Can break hearts if they are trusted too much from above.

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