

"The Magic of Coffee"

In the dawn dance,
the sun rises, golden and serene,
and in the kitchen, a ritual begins,
a whisper of life in the full air.

The coffee rests in its dark shelter,
roasted grains, kept secrets,
I give him his coat to the boiling water,
a warm hug, dreams dreamed.

The aroma rises like a song,
a symphony that surrounds the home;
each sip is an enchanted moment,
a deep journey that invites you to dream.

The cup is a refuge for thoughts,
where the mind is lost and found;
in every bubble, in every moment,
routine becomes light that feeds.

With every drink, the world wakes up,
problems dissipate like fog;
In this simple everyday act,
life reveals its sincere essence.

So coffee becomes poetry,
a bridge between the simple and the divine;
In the hot cup there is magic and joy,
transforming the mundane into destiny.

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