

Behind An Apostle's Postulate
Let dreadful cyclones pass you while you're lost in a deep slumber. As though you know something horrible is commencing in the air, but you have yet to know what it tastes like, how it builds up in your body is a mystery you don't want revealed.

Let hush overflow your devout lips as cloud cries on your hair, and you won't spare a thought towards the heartache that stained your eyes with crimson ribbons, won't sense the burn as long as the faint touch of floating wings guard you with their life.

Let not your dreams of conflict have mastery over who you are for the gratitude of life washes over you like a blitz on sunny times, even in a cruel reign your clouds aren't more powerful than a tornado like you.

Let not one thought drive you over the bridge of death, for no fragments of a broken mind worth the sin on your soul, for even fleeting moments carry wisdom and even the deaf can listen when the sound of gold clings.
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