

Half smile....
He wanted to say so may things
But the weakened structure
didn't allow him so..
When I hold his hand for the last time.
He supposed to give so many advises,
do's and don'ts
Like he usually do see me broken,
But he didn't..
All he did just smiled..
A smile which wasn't a full smile.
Many unsaid words mixed a

That day I was eager to heard at least something ,
His anger, the stubbornness whatever it might be ..
I was craving for his harsh hurting words :
" stop it , stop making excuses,
stop finding reasons be bit responsible.."
when I come home late,
When I don't follow my regular routine ,
When I'm busy in phone ignoring his words ,
When I celebrate my broken part with loud music..
When I just do nothing but to be lazy only..

I was seeking for those loving words:
" it's ok everything will be alright again ,
we love you"
When I might lost ..
When I don't see anything happening right..
When I can't find any way out..
When I too broke to move ahead..
When I can't decide what's wrong
or how to make it right..
Anything just anything
a single word or any incomplete sentence..
But all I got a tiny not so lengthy smile ..
A half-smile !

The question was hanging on my mind :
Was he angry or hurt ?

And I didn't got my answer that day..
May be I won't ever get it ..

But I kept that half-smile locked inside
the secret box in my heart..

In the crisis period of life when
I'll be needing his caring words,
I'll unwrap that box and bring out that
pinch of smile carrying his words
" I'm with you "
and things will be alright again..
It's my belief ...
© dreamerpia

#writco #dreamerpia #poem