

Unrequited love: A one sided one
One heart loves a lot, shining so bright,
But the other heart isn't taking the flight.
One heart hopes, the other heart's cold,
A story of love, a tale to be told.

One heart's words, full of care,
The other heart acts like it's not there.
One heart wants, the other heart shies,
A love unbalanced, where one heart cries.

Night after night, tears often flow,
Love's one-sided, a wound that won't go.
One heart's giving, the other heart's shy,
Unrequited love, where emotions run high.

In this story where hearts don't align,
One heart's strong, the other declines.
But even in pain, remember this part:
Unreturned love can still hold a strong heart.

© DLonelywriter