

The World Outside My Door
The World Outside my Door
Is one I will go looking For,
everyday, in every way,
until I find it's forgotten Lore...

The fresh Breaze
reminds me of The Gentle Ease
with which Mother Nature
brews Her Teas.

The Rushing Waves
Crush and Craves
for The Sweetness of The Land,
and The Soil which Saves.

The Sunlight on Silt
looks like God's ready made Quilt,
when it shines and shudders,
and The Pebbles Tilt.

The Mountain Looms,
and can be seen from The Rooms,
and sometimes I Pray
it will never start it's Booms.

The Nature is Wild,
Ready, and Rild,
and The Goddess Walks,
and Earth is Compiled.

The Universe Knows
What shall Die and Grows,
and never does it Quiver,
but Walks on To The Close.

#Goddess #Waves #Universe
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