

My Green Friend.
My green friend, who cannot talk yet, breaks my silence.
Who's glance I feel through the whirling wind.
She cannot hold on to my hands in times of needful but assures nowise to unfriend.
She is the most flawless of all.
She is an unblemished soul and contains no foul.
Whenever I comprehend I am tied up, she says you are not and thrusts me forward.
Whenever I feel weak, she shows how strong I am so never to quit.
My morning starts with her greeting.
Days never end without our meeting.
I do thirst for her love a lot when I am away.
Then I receive an intimation through her other friends as a cause to feel certain that, she won't let me intuit this way.
To the world, she may be just a plant.
For me, she is a wonderment of a god which was acutely well-planned.
© Vidya Rao