

No regrets!
In that moment, she spoke of breaking ties,
Reasons seemingly trivial, veiled in disguise.
Silent, I stood, not wanting her to go,
Yet, unable to voice my love's undertow.

Her departure, a painful twist of fate,
Leaving my heart yearning, consumed by weight.
Her words echoed, piercing through the air.

She uttered her plea,
"You'll regret this, when I leave you."
Her words, like whispers carried by the breeze,
Foretelling a future burdened with unease.

Who is gonna regret, I ask myself!

How an ocean feels when the wave whispers low,
"You'll regret this, as I retreat and go.

How a mountain feels when a pebble softly speaks,
"You'll regret this, as I roll and seek.

How a breeze feels when a flower whispers near,
"You'll regret this, as I wither and disappear.

How a bird feels when a feather softly cries,
"You'll regret this, as I part from azure skies.

How the sun feels when the light softly sighs,
"You'll regret this, as I veil your radiant skies.

How a tree feels when a leaflet softly imparts,
"You'll regret this, as I drift and depart.

How the heat feels when a snowflake softly sighs,
"You'll regret this, as I melt and demise.

Life, a fleeting moment, swift as a passing breeze,
Too short for regrets to bring us to our knees.
For in this brief existence, where dreams take flight,
Regrets dim the spark, casting shadows in our sight.

© davence_hackwell
#WritcoQuote #writco #davence #writcoapp #Writing #poem