

Make Love

I have thrown out my filter, so excuse me.
Because this will come out absolutely rude and entirely crude.
But I am sick of fucking...I just want to make love.
I'm sick of all my clothes ripping in your hurried pursuit to rid them from my body...throw them across the room as if a hurricane has decided it will temporarily pass through.
I'm tired of being thrown on the bed, my body bouncing as if I was on a trampoline because we are overly impatient to feel each other.
I grow weary of the fact that there is no extensive foreplay.
We've forgone the appetizer and dove straight into the entree.
It's a quick dance of get mine, get yours, and it's over with.
Sweaty bodies slapping against one another
Mingling with loud moans that border on screams...echoing off the walls as we undoubtedly disturb all of our neighbors.
I'm so exhausted by the fact that we can't seem to slow ourselves down because all our bodies seem to know is how to do is fuck.
Now don't get me wrong, because I'm not saying that shit doesn’t feel...real...good.
For years it has been one of my favorite pastimes.
Preferring it over several other hobbies and activities.
But there simply comes a time where fucking is no longer enough.
I want to make love.
I want it to feel like it takes hours to undress each other.
To build the anticipation of what we know is about to come.
I desire to watch each article of clothing drop to the floor in the most alluring and provocative way.
I want our foreplay to extend beyond anything we ever thought was imaginable
I want to slowly relearn each others bodies.
Familiarize myself with your skin through touch and taste.
To where the only thing I can imagine is your being.
It clouds my thoughts and nothing is able to enter my mind when our bodies begin to intertwine in an intricate slow dance.
One with a lulling pace.
Difference than what we're use to, because keep in mind we are not fucking.
I want to feel your whole length.
The entirety of your stroke as you enter and retreat within my body.
I need it to take me to heights unknown gradually.
Crescendoing to can unfathomable peak, taking our time and leaving out the rush.
I want it to take all night.
I desire to be mesmerized by the fact that I can feel each of your muscles contour to the soft flesh of my body.
I want my skin to rub softly against yours as you give me this unyielding, undeniable pleasure.
And when it's all over with, I want to bathe the room in the most sensual moan that I have ever had the pleasure of letting escape from my lips.
Then...I want to lay there as the sweat of our bodies cool, basking in the bliss of what we have accomplished.
Because remember...we're making love.
So, when it's all over with I don't either of us to roll away and leave the other to their own devices.
I want to lie in your arms.
In your comforting embrace as I drift off to sleep.
Because making love to you, I imagine would do that to me.
Put me in a catatonic state...so captured and held hostage by my dreams that nothing could wake me.
As I slept...on repeat would be images of the things we'd just done.
And when I woke the next morning...then...maybe...I'd want to fuck.