

Borborygmus - Borborygmi

"Downstairs, our bodily factories work overtime,
Clanking and churning and whistling and gurgling,
With all the regularity of a clockwork chime,
A journey of food and drink consumed by you and me,
Through the Acid Chambers and Convoluted Tunnels,
Forming a Symphony of Borborygmi and glee."

~ Borborygmus (singular) or borborygmi (plural) is the characteristic rumbling, growling or gurgling of your stomach and intestines as food, fluid and gas passes through them. Did someone listen to all these gut noises and go, "Huh. It sounds like it's saying bor~ bor~ bor~ gr~ grr~ Oh! I know! Let's call all of that 'borborygmi'! My genius... it's sometimes frightening..." ? 😅 I find it such a strange and adorable mouthful of a word 🤣 (06.02.23).

© Abigail Sim