

A symphony of Composes Collab
Emmit Other:
Harken Harken boys and girls
Its a symphony of symphonists
Boy you have got it made
Watch us toot and watch us play
As we display for your bemirth
Several composes of myriad worth

Robert Schumann isnt the best
Though he is distinguished from most of the rest
Mental anguish pinpooped his zest
At an early age
He was set for the stage
Piano wunderkind
Of frankensense and sage
He slammed his hand
And turned a page
To mine the music
For others to play
He started strong
But the whispers sang
Every time he wrote the note
His final days
In a dark padded cell
He wasnt whole
And he wasnt well
So often great gifts
Come with a price
Beware your asks
Lest you feed madness' spice
A savory meal for things unseen
For the the greatest player
Who could have been

Stars shine in symphonies, rythming all time,
Universes that balance heavens fall,
From time to time, rests in composers clime,
Talent rises like the sun through loves door,

Again and again, the blessed walk the earth free,
Heaven has already sent its life and souls stars,
Giving humanity hopes rising tree,
Never, no limit to musical bars;

Short lives, Hendrix, Janis, and Prince Legends,
Tupac, Carpenter, John and Whitney, Mights,
Oceans of Symphony Composers ends,
Society ensures tragic fighting lights,

They come to give us light and love so strong,
But we burn it to ground with poison wrongs.

Chelse J:
Hear the ocean roar its harmonious songs of the earth.
A melody that colors it with life.
An introduction to us from childbirth.
A melody that is known best by wildlife.
A song rooted by history and traditions.
That blends well with the instruments held by musicians.
See the trees that sway like dancing chandeliers by wind.
A song that binds its notes perfectly when animals and insects join in.
The sweet sounds of nature aren't one to forget.
It's where sounds were born, where ideas become rockets.
I hear whispers of greats that rise, fall and pass away.
Their songs, unforgettable like an eternal replay.
Though their names might be forgotten by some.
Their legacy lives on like the beat of every drum.
Music lives on as it dances around us.
It's the way we live,
It's our positives and our downfall.
Which is seen in stars beyond the music halls.
There is nothing more sweet than a tune that kisses your ears.
Songs of any genre that we seem to hold dear.
Songs from legions, shelved in history.
That will always be cherished,
like the perfect wine drank in victory.

There's nothing like the ethereal view
Transmogrify amorphously
To horizons sun and moons hue.
Single edged surface efface upon dead doors
Combs grass and bowing waves implore
Sensational event from one thing
Births a variety of many things
And splitting it into two things
Combines them back into one to make a third thing
Flies wide and high, wider than planes wings.
Artifact like a chalice,
Artifice the balance,
Torched in the depths of ebony
Fondling impeccably in the thumbs of agony
Twitching immensely under nerves anguish
As if they're speaking a different language.
Supernova, hypernova,
Blooming just like four leaf clovers
Looming over and spreading open
Of lexicons woven exposure.

Do not fret
For these may come to pass
Stretching comprehension
Unaccended if not transcended.
Delegated land compose all monasteries,
Foundation grumble between fingers unvoluntary
So twisted in arcs of binary
Latent in pictureless collages
Upon names in cemeteries.
Hear my name, hear my voice,
Hearken thy vox and heed thy noise.

Smeared multicolor rain droplets
Sneered across the surface of thine optics
Brightening in a spin of uncertainty
In frequent blinks of blue and burgundy
Rotating around each other like orbiting days
To nights, till curtain staged close and raised.

Emmit Other:
There is a greater world
Above as and beyond us
The harmony of transcendence
For all the world to see
The artist takes the shadow
On the wall of Plato's cave
And etches out a rubbing
To this the unseen save
Remember Amadeus
The greatest musician of them all
He knew how great he truly was
And towered above the small
Who had the ears of kings and priests
And got gold by truckload light
But just because an artist is richer
Doesnt mean they have more sight
When you delve into the world
Of music sight unseen
Brought there by the chorus
Of wonders never been
Remember poor Amadeus
Even KNOWING he was so great
Was haunted by his father
And his lectures so irate
Imposter syndrome shall haunt you
No matter where you climb
So ignore the voices stomping you
And just make your music chime.