

Amazing how life seems to stand still,
Never here or there,

A hovering bee over a Mexican sunflower,
floating dragonflies at noon day,
Trails of an eagle's gift,
Even the hadada ibis grudgingly flying by,
Remind us of a childhood memory,
Times when life seemed to stand still,
Hopscotch was a nice game.
Our scarcities were never complained about,
Understanding what greens we enjoyed,
Getting mangoes as they fell,
Harvesting tangerines.
Telling stories by the bonfire.

Our lessons were learnt from our Grandfathers,
Relishing the way their hands moved as they worked.

Modern society does not appreciate,
Every effort that someone else put in,
Making protestations and helping less,
Occasionally blaming everyone else,
Remembering to defy,
Yet not making a contribution.