

In the hush-hollows of twilight’s tender throat, Whispers weave, wise as the worn edges of water-smoothed stone...

In the hush-hollows of twilight’s tender throat,
Whispers weave, wise as the worn edges
of water-smoothed stone.
They speak in sighs, the subtle breath
of the universe,
Murmuring mysteries like moonlight
on a mirror’s face.

These whispers wind through
the wailing wood,
Where words are wands, waving wild
in the wistful wind,
Each leaf a tome, each twig a testament,
Scripting shadows into the silence
of souls.

An ancient alchemy, audible only
to the attuned,
Where wisdom waltzes with the
waning light,
Sibilant sounds, soft and spectral,
A symphony sewn into the seams
of the surreal.

In the cryptic crevice of creation,
a chorus crescendos—
A lattice of light and lore, laced with
lilting lament,
Each echo an ember, etching epochs
into eternity,
An ardent aria arisen from ashes.
Behold the ballet of the barely spoken,
A dance of dichotomy, where dusk and
dawn dwell as one.

Here, in the heartbeat of hidden hymns,
Lies the lucid language of the lost and
the lingering.
Do not dare to decipher; dare rather
to dream.
Dive deep into the delicate deluge of
the divine whisper.

For it is in the profound pools of paradox,
That wisdom waits, wrapped in
Resonating in the reverberations of
reality’s remnants.
O, listen—how the whispers weave a web,
Where wonder and wisdom waltz in
the womb of words.

#writco #WritcoPoemChallenge #writcopoem #wisdom #inspirational #philosophy #sanhita @Sanh9292
© Aylin