

The Silent Hero-My Dad!
The wise Emperor of the kingdom,
With mighty power he stays,
Fed up he is by stress all the way,
He is the Silent Hero- My Dad!

Though rude he does look,
But a soft-hearted he lays,
With hard core work
And pale-yellow face,
He is the Silent Hero- My Dad!

Love is boundaryless,
But hardly ever shows!
Concerned he is always about my future,
Manager of everything is he,
He is the Silent Hero- My Dad!

Careful is always he about us,
Faithful is towards my Mum,
He has lit our life!
But we won't see him accross his hard times,
He is the Silent Hero-My Dad!

Poem fails to describe the power,
I say, you have no spirit to share
What you kind heartedly feel!......
Blessed I may be to have a person as such,
He is the Silent Hero-My Dad!

_Durgesh Lokhande