

Jesus said not to judge… Or did he?
God has given us standards on judgment. We’re supposed to judge things, and we’re supposed to judge people. Yes, people. God commands us to. But it’s the actions we’re supposed to judge, not the heart. However, we should only judge when we have the right qualifications

To judge, you need to have these qualifications:

You need to be spiritual

You need to have the mind of Christ. Not in perfection, we won’t have that until we see him. You have to force yourself to see spiritual truth because the natural man wants to stick with the worldly view. You’re going to have that constant battle until you get raptured and see Jesus face to face

You need to inspect the fruit of others. One Bible verse atheists can quote is Do not judge, but elsewhere in the Bible, we’ll see God commands us to judge everything. At least in actions. And they switch the meaning of this verse. It’s actually telling the nonbeliever not to judge. Studies show atheists can be the most judgmental group of people! A good example of testing fruit is exposing those colleges that teach there is more than one gender besides male and female
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