

High from the sky
There falls little tiny drops,
To embrace the earth
To kiss the nature.

The grass turned to
green velvet,
The land consoled
it's thirst.

The woods were awake
from deep sleep.
The rivers starts to flow
from valleys to valleys.

The mountains turned rich
with it's green grass.
The sky was decorated with
the rainbows.

It was a drizzle first,
to cook the earth.
Then it rained
and rained.......

The kids found pleasure
in making paper boats.
And the adults closed thier eyes
to reach over the past rainy days.

It faded the melancholic strain
of the jubilant birds.
Living creatures expressed thier
gratitude through thier songs.

Mother nature had offered
her blessings.
Through the golden
tiny drops................

© Hibaz_writings