

Woman 🥀


She smiled with quiet determination,
The journey was tough but so was she...
Managed to overcome the trials thrown at her
Never doubted her strength and continue to persevere
She is clothed with strength and her dignity shines
Like a ray of sunshine
She is unstoppable like a queen
Who holds a throne - cannot be dethroned
At times she is a coward
Bombarded with questions
But still in motion
For she still fights for what is right
And wouldn't let her guard down with all her might
She is messy at times
Yet she knows how to tidy up like slicing a lime, while drinking a fine wine
Oftentimes she is fearless
Her bravery soars to the deepest of her core
Ready for a battle even more
So if you meet a woman so strong
Be ready for what she has to offer
You'll be surprised
Seeing yourself in deep waters

© Fe Suson