

A Journey of Laughter, Love and Unexcepted Connections
In the dance of time, a fateful meet,
At university fest, our paths did greet.
Unlikely friends, a bond did form,
Through laughter, chaos, in life's storm.

Wame, the catalyst, with crazed delight,
An extroverted spark, in the night.
A symphony of souls, in friendship's dance,
An unexpected journey, a cherished chance.

In different realms, we first did find,
A tapestry of stories, intertwined.
Through shared moments, laughter, and tears,
We forged a bond that conquers fears.

As University's chapter draws to an end,
A gratitude, a love, I send.
For you, my friends, made the year divine,
In the tapestry of life, a brilliant line.

May paths diverge, yet the bond endure,
A flame of friendship, forever pure.
In the tapestry of life, let memories glow,
Wherever you go, let success in rivers flow.

Through the valleys of time, let's be real,
The winds of change, a tender feel.
Though the journey may alter its frame,
May the essence of our bond remain the same.

So here's to the future, wherever it leads,
May success be yours in all your deeds.
With a heart full of thanks, and eyes that gleam,
You, my dear friends, made 2023 a dream.

In the echo of these words, emotions soar,
A symphony of gratitude, forevermore.
For in the tapestry of friendships so true,
You painted colours that my heart never knew.
© Lily Grace