

The Monster under the Bed
One night we heard you screaming, you were crying and you were hitting the wall. We found you in the kitchen drinking one of your herbal teas, which you used to make when you were very stressed. You were crouched in a corner between two pieces of furniture. You didn't look at us and you were shaking, you were scared, you were anguished, you were overloaded. At night your thoughts always became numerous, many and loud, and sometimes you couldn't handle all of that. Like a sponge you absorbed everything, then exploded as soon as the "monster under the bed" came out. That monster under the bed was nothing more than all those thoughts you hid in your diaries, on your chaotic and colorful papers. The monster of the night went away as soon as we were there with you, and we read the last pages of your diaries together... Little Zoe, life was difficult, but you were so strong.
© PityPoem