

I perpetually yearn for the wilderness

The gentle song of the forest swaddles me securely

Offering familiar comfort formed by an ageless bond

Dependable and ever-transforming

Simultaneously ancient and young

Stirring embers of life within

Igniting a flame of passion

Cementing a zealous intention

For too long I had lost my way

Suffocating in a paved paradise

The flame dwindling rapidly

Destiny faltering on a compromised foundation

My resolve grew weak

The flame remains

Home again

In these woods I dearly love

Surrounded by vitality and splendor

A roaring river surges through my soul

The mountain breeze gently fans embers within

Urging my flame to blaze brightly

Radiating power

And fortitude

Though I grow weary

Battered and worn down at times

I may wallow a bit

Yet my resolve is fortified

Weakness becomes a great strength

Surrender is rendered obsolete

© TrishHare