

...Never before
Never before has a story joined back together, such as ours did.... Never before did I ever see your weakness nor did I try .... You were the answer to my "WHY" ??? Now with wiser eyes I look back it's all so vivid. Never again would I ever feel Carefree, gliding on the wind, smiling , both stress free. souls spiraling ....We had control. we just hid... the dark sides from. eachother
Seen it now, lived through it ,but how. Never before was I ever insecure.....You loved me....]⅕ made straight at the perfect time when I prayed for u I somehow did find. my better half my forever yin my bright side that fit perfectly to my broken yang. the consistent adult that saw me at my worst and at my highest too. I couldn't breathe without you. Never again will I let others break apart my path that I walk only beside you.....22...Never Again...
© KMaloney726