

my last letter to Alyssa
contemplating suicide mental breakdowns on the floor because she won't answer my please

put the dagger inside my chest opened up open it up and watch it slowly beat away.

can I ask you a question my dear Alyssa.... what does the word love mean to you......

is love just a camouflage to you of love and hate and death and unforgiveness......

that's what I see that's what I feel....

I watch these black tears fall from my cheek after the aftermath while I'm sitting here alone

contemplating cutting the wrist and it for good....

would you come to my funeral... will you come see me when I'm in my funeral soup dressed in darkness waiting for the cast to close for Good....

or no will you just erase me like all the rest.... will you cry will you mourn for me like like I do you I sleep with your bra Just a Dream of you

Looking Through The Eyes of a crow feeling this way

living in the dark without you that's been cold and bitter....

stuck in a rut wishing you answer my calls..... I would sell my soul just to have you around my arms once again but I already sold it

now I'm stuck inside is misery

waiting to die without you by my side.....

I'm shivering writing this

please forgive me oh I put you through....

I was just trying to fight these things inside my mind I lost the battle I have lost everything nothing matters besides you

it's killing me slowly just like Venom from a cobra snake I see no light at the end of the tunnel without you my Alyssa

Broken Heart please forgive me without you these words mean nothing does life mean nothing please turn to me my queen.....

Lords lovel....
© Lord lovel