

years end
In the twilight of the year, we stand,
Reflecting on the journey, hand in hand.
Through trials and triumphs, we have tread,
A tapestry of memories, woven thread by thread.

Oh, the year that was, a tale to tell,
With chapters of joy and moments that fell.
We faced a world in chaos and strife,
Yet found resilience, strength, and new life.

In the depths of darkness, we sought the light,
United, we fought, with all our might.
Together we weathered storms that came,
And emerged stronger, forever changed.

We shed tears for the losses we endured,
But found solace in love, so pure.
We discovered the power of compassion's embrace,
And the beauty of kindness, in every trace.

Through distance, we found ways to connect,
Virtual hugs and words of respect.
We adapted, we learned, we grew,
Discovering strength we never knew.

As the year draws to its final breath,
Let's cherish the lessons, both bitter and sweet.
For in the tapestry of time, we find,
That growth and resilience intertwine.

So let us bid farewell to the year gone by,
With gratitude for the tears we've cried.
For every challenge has shaped our soul,
And made us stronger, to reach our goal.

As the clock strikes midnight, a new dawn will break,
A chance to start anew, for goodness' sake.
May the coming year bring hope and cheer,
And may we face it together, without fear.

For in the tapestry of life, we find,
That even in darkness, light's not far behind.
So let us embrace the future, hand in hand,
As we step into the unknown, a united band.
© c.wright