

Wish List!!
I’m sure there’s something we all wish for!
Maybe wishing for something more!
A wish hoping God won’t ignore!

Hoping and praying for a stop to this mental war!
You’re lost inside deep down through to your core!
Begging and pleading but always shown that proverbial door!

No clue what happened to your mind you were once fine before!
Is this the devil’s way to even the score?
I think he would be happier if you dropped dead to the floor!

Can’t handle this internal anguish anymore!
Promised you’d never let the depression win of this you swore!
But there’s nobody that chooses you to adore!

Nobody to show your lion’s roar!
Nobody to help you fly and soar!
They beat those words failure, worthless, useless, freak, and everything else into your head until your sore!

They couldn’t care less if you cried all night!
You’ve become a travesty of someone who just couldn’t see the light!
You know in your mind everything they called you realizing now that they were right!

You’re done you’ve given up the good fight!
You’re ready to disappear out of sight!
Ready to say goodbye forever tonight?

You tried holding onto those once happy memories with all of your might!
A life you wish you could go back and rewrite!
Too late now you’ll never be alright!

Wishing you never did exist!
A constant thought you kept trying to resist!
Oh boy wasn’t your life full of twist after twist!

You’re pathetic it was the voices in your head insist!
You’re lost in your own foggy mist!
Would you end everything with deep slices into your wrist?

Why do these thoughts of being worthless always persist?
Every failure you’ve suffered you’re always getting dissed!
Ready to fight with bruised, battered, and bloody fist?

Always praying and hoping these dark and intrusive thoughts please go away and desist!
Completely thinking you know if you left this world you’d never truly be missed!
Feeling worthwhile, happy, and loved among other things on your wish list!
© BDawg90