

The Silent Pursuit
The Silent Pursuit

In whispered thoughts, I ponder the gaze,
Of those who watch with envious ways.
The “Evil Eye,” they say, can drain light,
A shadow cast on dreams, dimming bright.

When plans spill forth like water from a well,
Excitement blooms, yet soon we can tell,
That some who cheer with a smile so wide,
May mask a wish for our dreams to subside.

So, I choose to walk a path of discretion,
Guarding my hopes against quiet suppression.
In silence, I’ll craft my future anew,
A journey unseen, with skies ever blue.

To seek work abroad, I’ll keep it concealed,
Let the world wonder when fate is revealed.
On the day of my flight, let them be amazed,
At the courage I held while they stood dazed.

With lands in my name and walls to erect,
I’ll build my dreams where no eyes can dissect.
In shadows I toil, with sweat on my brow,
Until the day comes when I’ll take my bow.

A housewarming feast for those who believe,
In the power of dreams and the strength to achieve.
But before that moment, I’ll keep it inside,
For the joy of surprise is a wondrous ride.

In love, I will cherish the moments so dear,
Proposing in silence, with no one to hear.
Then astonishment blooms with a simple invite,
A celebration of love that feels just right.

Let critics chatter and doubts fill the air,
They’ll witness success, but never despair.
For in this grand game where strategies play,
I’ll move with intent and not give away.

Like chess pieces shifting on checkered terrain,
Each move made in silence, no reason for pain.
When checkmate is called, let them know it’s true—
The power of dreams rests quietly in you.

So let them question and wonder aloud,
While you chase your visions, proud and unbowed.
For haters will hate and followers follow,
But your journey is yours—no need for tomorrow.

In silence and strength, let your spirit ignite,
For success is a star that shines through the night.
So keep your plans close and your heart ever bold,
In the silence of action, let your story unfold.
© etechnocrats