

I'm Aspiring and Changing Me
Aspire to be everything you dream of
Aspire to do what you want
Aspire to be honest with yourself
Aspire to look in that mirror daily

Because you deserve it all
Because nobody should tell you what you're doing right
Because you only owe yourself that explanation
Because you deserve to affirm everything good in you

I know how hard it can be
I know we don't always see things the same
I know…
I really just know…

Because I've been there
Because I still get that way sometimes
Because I know what it's like
Because I'm still fighting it

But it's not a losing war
It's about all of the battles
Because tiny battles win the largest wars
And fighting the worst makes the best that much more worthy

So yell to your world about your accomplishments
Scream it from every rooftop
Just because not everyone will notice
The right ones will and will love you more

You deserve every bit of happiness
You deserve the entire world
You deserve to be loved and to love yourself
And you deserve it now

Because being happy will make you actually feel it
Because to he best of the world has yet to come
Because you are so much more loved than you feel
Because I know how hard it is to believe

I'm happier than I've been in ages
Loved and loving stronger than ever
I used to dwell on what was and might have been
But that's just not me these days

The one new years resolution I hope to keep forever
Because I've never been so happy
Even with every ounce of love
And even with every ounce of true happiness

Yes, I slip up
Yes, it's difficult some days
And yes, I lose track of it
But without those days, I wouldn't be so strong