

Finally My Time
Long day finally ends!
Yeah home at last
relaxing i can
or at least i thought i say.

Phone starts to rings,
ur mate starts yelling, and
animals start wanting u
boy why right now u say?

Cant I have 5 minutes?
Whats for dinner? u hear.
Grr u say to yourself
as u walk into the kitchen.

Sink full of dishes,
nothing taken out to cook. Guess fast food.
Oh wait everything closed.

You quickly throw
the hot dogs in water,
let the dogs out, start dishes,
then u yell and say dinner

They come running!!
Like hound dogs
but dont help or
say thank you

You finish the clean-up
get a warm bath ran
finally get to relax.
U hear a voice yell.

You just scream back
and say I in bath

Finally u crawl into bed
ur mate says whats wrong?
You just try to smile
and say nothing.

They says yes there is.
You turn to them
and let it spill.
Oh boy What u do now?