

It's HIM....

Just a small meet of few hours,
It grabbed the attention of many years.

He was just absconded since childhood,
Can it be possible to see him in adulthood.

Said nothing, looked behind the curtain,
The childhood love was pure and certain.

The unusual heartbeat I couldn't understand,
The mesmerizing memories were weaving with strands.

The words he asked me after so many years,
My heart was overwhelmed with inner tears.

The boy was loving me with whole heart,
Again after years, he became an integral part.

He instigated to know about these years,
Noone can be exceptional with care and gears.

He is the inspiration of my real life now,
The originality in me, he started again to sow.

Just a small gesture from him turned my life upside down,
I am the same version of me, why I behave as a clown.

I started loving myself and helped me to grow,
He is the gardener of my new life as a writer's show.

Few moments can change your life anytime,
The blessings of Nature is always unusual but rhythmic like chime.

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© LopaTheWriter